H.M. Wise Asset Management

Investing Wisely Newsletters

I write my own newsletter, based upon my personal research. The opinions that I express are mine. Those charts that you see in the newsletter are all based on financial data that I collect and store in a database that I update weekly.

I gather information from multiple and varied sources over the course of each quarter—magazines, websites and blogs. I regularly attend meetings to listen and pose questions to the portfolio managers that manage our assets. I attend several educational conferences each year. The topics that I discuss in the newsletter are those that I believe are relevant and of interest to you and me.

Thank you, to those who have expressed appreciation of the value of this service to keep you up-to-date and informed.

I send the newsletter to my clients on a quarterly basis - generally January, May, September and November - and post the most recent issues here on my website.

Recent Editions
January 2024
November 2023
September 2023
May 2023
January 2023
November 2022
September 2022
May 2022

Our Mission: helping you achieve your most important Life Goals…

Mike and Carmen at Oktoberfest in Germany

Portfolio Strategies